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How To Maximize Your Spa Day

There’s nothing quite like spending a relaxing day to yourself, as having a spa day is truly all about self-care. Every week or so, you need to set aside a few good hours to put yourself first and prioritize your needs. Keep in mind, this is not the day to complete all of the chores you’ve been putting off due to a busy work schedule. It’s also not about checking things off a to-do list and maximizing your productivity. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.

Having a spa day involves doing a whole lot of nothing. In fact, doing nothing is the goal. The point is to destress and come out of it feeling refreshed. You need to zone out, clear up your mind, and put yourself in a state of zen. Whether you’re choosing to visit a medical spa or have your own DIY spa day at home, there are a few key steps to achieving the ultimate relaxation.

Incorporate some CBD into your self-care routine.

In case you haven’t heard, CBD is here to stay! That’s right, the ingredient that’s making its way into all of your skincare and beauty products also comes in a relaxing muscle cream. In fact, CBD cream from Naternal is a smooth, non-greasy lotion with menthol and eucalyptus to really help you wind down. The scent of the formula alone is therapeutic! Who doesn’t love calming eucalyptus? Using a CBD cream can help you maximize your at-home spa day by making your muscles feel relaxed. CBD products are often used in the beauty and wellness industry because they’re made with natural ingredients. Spa days are meant for you to prioritize your wellness, whether that’s mental or physical.

Sign up for treatment at your favorite medical spa.

Maybe you’re really looking to make the most out of your spa day. A great way to do that is to visit your favorite med spa for a hydrating facial or micro-needling treatment. Maybe you’re even interested in trying CoolSculpting or chemical peels. While at-home face masks do a fine job, you get the best possible results at a medical spa. For example, if one of your major skin concerns is acne scars, then micro-needling helps with acne scar removal and even skin tightening. Clique Salon and Med Spa is just one example of a place that provides premium services for your spa day.

Do a digital detox and switch off all of your devices.

Regardless of whether you’re going to a medical spa or staying at home, switching off all of your electronic devices is a game-changer. If you really want to maximize your relaxation, it’s not enough to just turn off your notifications. Shut out the world. Set aside any thoughts about your friendships or your finances or your job. This is the time you should set aside to think about yourself. Having a spa day is all about investing in your physical and mental health, and you can’t do that when your phone is blowing up with text messages or recommending niche content that’ll make you scroll mindlessly for hours.

While having a busy schedule and back-to-back plans can feel productive, there are downsides to always being on the go. Too much work can result in stress and burnout over the long run. Meanwhile, too much play can sometimes be detrimental to your health and wellness. Once in a while, everyone could really use some downtime to relax, and treating yourself doesn’t have to be a reward either. You should consider doing it for no reason at all! The tips mentioned above are just some of the ways you can really maximize your spa day and participate in good self-care.

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