Despite the pandemic and rules around restrictions and social gatherings, you can still set yourself up for a special and successful Christmas in 2020. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that we’re all connected more than we may have known. We don’t have to be in the same room to enjoy a special moment, open a gift, check in, or even get things done. This Christmas doesn’t have to be any different in those ways and no one needs to feel alone. For ideas on how to make your holiday memorable and safe after a hard year and with the challenges of social distancing, read on.
Have a virtual party.
A virtual Christmas themed party can’t and won’t compare to the real, in-person deal. But that doesn’t mean you can’t drum up other ways to create some holiday magic this year. Synced Christmas movies, snail mail Yankee swaps and more could be just enough to bring on some cheer.
Most people are still grappling with how to make the holidays special after a long year of feeling isolated and less connected than usual. But the good news is that pandemic has also taught us ways to connect. In 2020, we’ve learned to work remotely, find those perfect ponchos for backyard picnics online, and even managed to get our favorite meals safely. Because of this, we are better prepared for creative ways to handle the holiday season.
While there won’t be many ugly sweater in office parties to dress up for, nothing says that you can’t repeat that same fun tradition in your living room. Consider sending out digital invites to your friends and family and hosting a Christmas party online. You could have everyone attending chip in ten dollars and the person who shows up with the best costume could win a grand prize.
Board games, rituals, and even trips down memory lane are things to consider as virtual party agenda items. Or, you could just spend time catching up with people you care about. After all, isn’t that what the holidays are supposed to be about?
Dress up for the mood and spread cheer around.
You don’t need to hire a pro to be Santa Claus. This year, why not hop in your car with your brightest Christmas hat on and take a trip around town? You’ll be surprised how many smiling faces you see looking out windows. If you feel inspired, consider hopping online and hitting social media. Coordinating a make-shift holiday vehicles-only spirit parade in your town could be the perfect way to feel connected to your community and bring new life to the holidays. Nothing spells Christmas success like smiling kids and memories made on a whim. Don’t forget to bring your camera and turn your car radios to holiday channels.
Take a trip down memory lane.
Whether you do it during your digital party or set time aside with your immediate family, don’t forget to celebrate magical Christmas moments for your entire family from the past. Pull out those old scrapbooks. Fire up that old camcorder. Watching family videos of the years when you were able to meet in person might help with smaller gatherings this year. Laughs, stories, and shared memories are often key to helping set the mood to create new experiences. If you like this idea, think about inviting extended family to collaborate. You could put together a slideshow merging all the memories, something that would connect you even more than virtually in a tangible way.
Play a favorite family game.
Puzzles, board games, and even last year’s favorites can make a return this year. Whether you find creative ways to do this in groups online or save it for your in person gatherings, the favorites will make the holidays seem more familiar, which is something most of us long for.
Setting yourself up for a successful Christmas in 2020 won’t come without challenges. But if you think of the big picture, draw on tradition, and find ways to stay connected, you just may pull it off the same way you did getting this far in an unprecedented year. If it gets rough, remember, we’re about to put a wrap on 2020 soon. You can always try again next year!